Here are some links and resources which might prove helpful.
If you know of other resources which should be included on this page, please email our webmaster at .
- Abilities of Northwest New Jersey
- The Arc of New Jersey
- The Arc of the Unites States
- Autism New Jersey
- Birth Injury Guide: A website providing a comprehensive resource for families coping with birth trauma
- Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey
- Center for Parent Information and Resources
- Cerebral Palsy Group
- Cerebral Palsy Guidance
- Cerebral Palsy Guide
- Cerebral Palsy Symptoms
- Early Intervention (children 0-3 years old) Info and Resources
- Easter Seals New Jersey
- Epilepsy Services of New Jersey
- Health help for New Jersey families
- March of Dimes
- Medicare for People with Disabilities
- NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities
- NJ Department of Education – Special Education
- NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities
- NJ Division of Disability Services
- NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- NJ Family Care (Health Care Coverage for Low income and uninsured children)
- Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of New Jersey
- Statewide Parent Advocacy Network
- United Cerebral Palsy