


00:00:00 Bert Baron

Alright, our monthly get together with our wonderful friends and really great partners at the Arc of Warren County. You know we’re we’re so honored to work with them in their daily mission and be a part of their annual events. We catch you up once a month on everything that’s happening with the Arc of Warren County and with me live in the RNJ main studio this morning, Annamaria Lalevee is back with us today. Good morning. Welcome.

00:00:22 Annamaria Lalevee

Good morning. Thank you so much for having me on air this.

00:00:25 Bert Baron

Has it been a month already?

00:00:25 Annamaria Lalevee

I don’t know where all the time goes. This this summer is like literally flying by, do you feel that way?

00:00:31 Bert Baron

I I need a career change that where your life goes much slower. So if you have anything that’s that you could recommend I’m I’m in for that. So. So let’s catch up today we have the 3G’s that we have to cover today. Let’s do the fun one first. Because who doesn’t love golf? They’re all fun. You’re right, they’re all fun. But let’s start with the Golf Outing.

00:00:39 Annamaria Lalevee

I’m not sure. OK, yeah.

00:00:43 Annamaria Lalevee

Yes, I love that.

00:00:45 Annamaria Lalevee

OK, they’re all fun. They’re all. Yes, yes.

00:00:51 Bert Baron

With golf, who doesn’t love golf? Right? So your golf outing and the Golf Classic is, is next month. You want to give the info.

00:00:51 Annamaria Lalevee

Right. Who doesn’t love golf?

00:00:54 Annamaria Lalevee

Right. Yeah. So yeah, we’re we, we’ve been doing this for a number of years.

00:01:00 Annamaria Lalevee

And we’re thrilled to be working with Hawk Pointe Golf Club in Washington. Again, the date is September 16th. We have Norman Worth as our MC. We’ll have raffles and giveaways and many different sponsorship opportunities. It’s a great day.

00:01:11 Bert Baron

I know him.

00:01:20 Annamaria Lalevee

It starts early in the morning and you’re done by 5:00 PM, so you have your evenings open, right? You have your evening open if you wanna come and golf yourself. If you have a foursome. If you’d like to do a Tee sign, please come. It’s really gained in popularity.

00:01:23 Bert Baron

That’s the best time.

00:01:25 Bert Baron

That’s the best time to play. Yes, good.

00:01:39 Annamaria Lalevee

We get lots of positive feedback about this event and then on top of it, you’re supporting a wonderful organization.

00:01:46 Bert Baron

And there’s so much upside for this. First of all, it’s September. So we’re not going to be dealing with 90° heat like we have in some areas today. So the other thing is, this is a Monday and who doesn’t love like a three day weekend? Because like two weekends before that, we got Labor Day. So there’s another day off. So now imagine a three day weekend in the middle of September.

00:02:07 Bert Baron

And then, like your week doesn’t start until Tuesday because you get to play golf on Monday. I mean that’s the ideal day. I think for golf is.

00:02:11 Annamaria Lalevee

Right, right.

00:02:14 Bert Baron

Monday so good.

00:02:14 Annamaria Lalevee

It’s a wonderful networking opportunity.

00:02:17 Annamaria Lalevee

You get to meet some of the people that we serve and a lot of Arc of Warren County staff and the food is really wonderful at Hawk Pointe and it’s just a beautiful opportunity to be able to golf there.

00:02:31 Bert Baron

All right, so get signed up because, you know, any golf outing you have, like a, a maximum number of players. So we want to get people signed up as soon as possible. So how do they do that?

00:02:39 Annamaria Lalevee

Sure. So you can register online at

00:02:44 Annamaria Lalevee

Or you can I can send you information about all of the different sponsorship levels at and you can give me a call at 908-223-0884. We can send it out. We can e-mail it to you. You can look on our website, all different, all different ways to to go about doing that so.

00:03:05 Annamaria Lalevee

And we encourage past donors to participate. New friends, people who want to learn more about our organization. I’d love to give a shout out to some of our, like silver sponsors. And above that, we know of so far, right?

00:03:09 Bert Baron


00:03:19 Bert Baron

And I I would love nothing more if you did. So go right ahead.

00:03:22 Annamaria Lalevee

OK, so I’d like to thank Gallagher’s Plumbing for taking out a Silver Sponsorship.

00:03:26 Annamaria Lalevee

And they’ve been, you know, since we’ve started this about five years ago, they’ve been consistent sponsors really appreciate that. We have WRNJ as a Silver Sponsor. As I mentioned, Norman Worth is our MC.

00:03:38 Bert Baron


00:03:40 Bert Baron

Back to Gallagher’s there they take their shoes off when they come inside your house. Are they going to be playing golf barefoot that day? I don’t know. Our if spikes are required on the golf course, I don’t know. So if you see some barefoot players, it’s probably Gallagher’s.

00:03:44 Annamaria Lalevee

Ohh ah, I didn’t know that. That’s really interesting.

00:03:53 Annamaria Lalevee

That’s really funny. That’s really funny. Yeah. They’re wonderful people.

00:04:00 Annamaria Lalevee

Nisivoccia accounting firm is a Gold Sponsor, Otterstedt Insurance Agency is Silver, Newbaker Funeral Home is a Gold Sponsor, and George Salamy is a Silver Sponsor, and we have KPM Exceptional Logistics, that’s going to be our Platinum Sponsor this year.

00:04:02 Bert Baron

MHM. Wow.

00:04:20 Annamaria Lalevee

I mean, we’re just getting started, so we’re hoping to really encourage other organizations to get involved in that. I didn’t read all of them, but we have other levels too. We have a Bronze level, we have the BBQ level, we have Tee signs. So there’s just lots of ways to get involved. Rossi Auto Group is our Hole-In-One sponsor, so that’s really exciting.

00:04:44 Bert Baron

You know, they got that Hummer parked out front. I got my eye in that thing every time I drive by. Just saying. But you know the Olympics, Annamaria, didn’t even have a platinum medal. That’s how cool and how rare and how special platinum is. And you got a Platinum Sponsorship level. That’s great. All right, I I’d ask about.

00:04:57 Annamaria Lalevee

I know we’re thrilled. We’re thrilled.

00:05:01 Bert Baron

That one. OK, alright. Now our our second G.

00:05:05 Annamaria Lalevee

Yeah. Our second G, I love that. So yes, so we have a grand opening. We have a really exciting day on September 26th where we’re doing 2 grand openings. One is for our Jonestown, the renovation of our Jonestown Community, living arrangements, home. That’s at 3:00 PM at at the location at their location on Jonestown Rd. In Oxford and then at 4:30 we have our much awaited opening of the hive by the arc of Warren County, which is our new day program. And that’s on Route 31 in Washington Township so basically people, friends of the Arc of Warren County are invited people who have donated to our Annual Appeals are invited. There is a mailing that’s gone out, but people who really, really even want to learn more about our organization. Certainly, you know, please consider this.

00:05:57 Annamaria Lalevee

We’re thrilled. I hope you can come.

00:05:59 Bert Baron

Yeah, this is. These are both September 26th, right?

00:06:02 Annamaria Lalevee

Both on September 26, yes, I hope you can join us. It’s going to be great. We’re so excited.

00:06:05 Bert Baron

Yes, bank on it, yeah.

00:06:10 Annamaria Lalevee

And both have been much awaited long term long range term projects so.

00:06:15 Bert Baron

Excellent, excellent, Annamaria Lalevee with me, alive in the RNJ main studio today, catching you up on ongoing events. There’s golf. There’s a grand opening coming up soon. Some great events that you could be a part of. And our our final G, if you will. Well, I think cell phone technology is talking about 6G. We got 3G’s. So we’re OK with.

00:06:29 Annamaria Lalevee

Final change, yeah.

00:06:34 Bert Baron

That our third G, that’s gala and that’s later on in in 2024, right. OK.

00:06:38 Annamaria Lalevee

Right, right. So, and but we’re doing lots of work on it now. So actually to go to go back to the grand opening, if you’re interested in that, please look at our website because that’s the theme of it, a new beginning for both for both opportunities. So anyway go on to Gala so.

00:06:57 Bert Baron

To the gala, OK.

00:06:58 Annamaria Lalevee

So that’s November 21st and that’s at Panther Valley Golf Club up in Panther Valley 6 to 10:00 PM We’re working a lot on the specifics. I can tell you that our MC is going to be Tom Baffuto, who is executive director of the Arc of New Jersey. So we’re thrilled. He’s coming out for that.

00:07:18 Bert Baron

Oh, nice.

00:07:21 Annamaria Lalevee

We have some honorees that evening. I’m not going to say who yet. We’re working on our invitation and the theme is going to be “70 Years of Excellence” because it’s going to really reflect on looking at our history and looking at our future and we haven’t had a gala as an Agency in probably 10 years, we normally have our Community Excellence Awards in November. So this is taking place of that because the 70th anniversary, but it’s going to be a different kind of event, certainly more formal.

00:08:04 Annamaria Lalevee

And please consider coming, we’re going to have more information soon. We’re working on the invitations with Good Impressions. The design is fabulous.

00:08:08 Bert Baron

Very nice, of course.

00:08:14 Bert Baron

I can’t wait to see that. Alright, unless that’s a closely guarded secret also. So a little intrigue. I like it. Annamaria. Thanks for being here today. For more info on any of these events. Where does someone go for details there?

00:08:29 Annamaria Lalevee

Go to I always love to collaborate with members of the community. Call me 908-223-0884 or e-mail me at

00:08:39 Bert Baron

Thanks so much for stopping by today and we’ll have our next segment in September look forward to it.

00:08:44 Annamaria Lalevee

Thank you for having me.

End of transcript.


Annamaria Lalevee

Annamaria Lalevee

Chief Development and Communications Officer

For more information about upcoming events and sponsorship opportunities, please contact me at:

Phone: 908-223-0884 

Upcoming Events